Healthy living – 7 factors which affect the climate of indoor spaces

Our health is reliant on three well-known pillars: nutrition, exercise and lifestyle. Each of these three pillars affect our health. Our lifestyle is directly linked to our living space. This can be optimally designed with the right building design and the right building materials

Healthy building, healthy living and a healthy life are all interconnected! A well-insulated house and climate-regulating walls allow you to feel good, so that you can live a relaxed and healthy life in a beautiful, clean environment. Apart from temperature and humidity, there are also other factors which affect the indoor climate, and it is important to know what they are so that you and your household can live healthily!

  1. Temperature

How warm or cold we find a room depends on the perceived temperature, which is determined by two factors: the air temperature and the surface temperature (thermal radiation). The right temperature turns a living room into a very comfortable space. With a Baumit ETICS system, life becomes more pleasant and healthier.

  1. Air humidity

In order to feel comfortable indoors, in addition to the right room temperature, the right amount of air humidity is needed. Thermal insulation (ETICS) clearly has a positive effect on relative humidity, creating a balanced room climate, and reducing heating costs.

  1. Mold

If the air humidity is too high, it can lead to the formation of mold inside. This increases the risk of respiratory diseases and infections and can cause allergies. Mold is one of the most dangerous factors affecting healthy living. A high content of lime in Baumit Climate systems means that they are alkaline, natural, regulate humidity, and prevent the formation of mold.

  1. Noise

Noise is understood to be disturbing and annoying sounds. It is considered to be one of the greatest environmental stress factors that can have a negative effect on well-being and recuperation. Apart from thermal insulation, good sound insulation is the key to quality buildings.

  1. Emissions

A variety of sources of polluting emissions can adversely affect the quality of indoor air. These include construction products, furniture and other furnishings, which can often release chemical substances (VOCs). If you decide to use Baumit products, you will not go wrong. They are reliable and safe for people and the environment.

  1. Odor

Unwanted odors caused by building materials are not only annoying, but, in the worst case, can also lead to complaints such as headaches, tiredness or irritation symptoms. While using Baumit products, you will be safe and protected from odors!

  1. Light

Bright, light-filled living spaces are vitally important for health and a positive mood. Baumit products are also impressive when it comes to lighting systems and offer a solution for any type of preference.


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