#ficacrew – World adventures of cult car Fića

The cult Fiat 750 is a car that set former Yugoslavia into motion, and today only rare fans of these oldtimers cruise our streets in them, mostly just for short trips.

Amar Ćamo from Goražde, who currently lives in Australia, tirelessly moves across the streets of the world and attracts attention with his green Fića. His adventures can be followed on Instagram profile #ficacrew.

– The idea for Fića crew came very spontaneously, when we were traveling through Italy two years ago. Until then, we didn’t have an official name, but we were still a crew. Considering how appealing Fića and the crew were, we attracted the attention of many passers-by. We started using #ficacrew as our brand on Instagram, and in Zagreb we created a sticker and put it on the rear window, so that people could follow our adventures or send us their photographs. After that, ideas would just come to us on their own, and with them also kilometers of good fun.


Amar’s love for oldtimers spans from his childhood, when he would run around the car that his father was preparing to paint in the garage, which means that he did not have any option but to have that love for it throughout his life. The green Fića arrived from Čajniče, and at that time it was not drivable. The first more serious trip by the Fića crew with this cult car was from Goražde towards Korčula, and Amar says that it was the most successful trip.

– It didn’t break down at all from Korčula and back. That’s when I realized for the first time that I was sharing joy with the world while moving with this little “fig”. After that trip, we traveled across B&H, Montenegro, Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Croatia, Albania, Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia, Kosovo, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Spain, France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany… We’ve been on the Etna, Vesuvius, Alps, Sierra Nevada and we touched the Sahara! My courageous, smart and savvy friends come with me on these trips!

If you were to look at photographs from Amar’s trip, you would think that each detail was carefully planned and organized, but it wasn’t. They mostly use the internet, recommendations from locals, and of course their intuition.

– The best stories happen to us when we take an unplanned turn. We leave everything else to chance. We have an approximate plan of the trip and location where we’d like to end up, but on our last trip we estimated that the length of the trip would be 2000 km, and we ended up on an 8000-km trip.


Old cars bring back memories of past times, so Fića crew finds the positive reactions that they get an even greater reason to enjoy their trips in the Fića.

– It’s indescribable, it makes us really happy during our trips! There is a difference between countries and reactions and that’s very interesting . While in Tunisia they would stop us and ask us to drink tea with them, in France we just got a few looks here and there.

For Amar, each day on a trip has its own story, charm and experience. Even though it is hard for him to single out a favorite trip, he went with the one to Algeria.

– My favorite moments were when we arrived in Algeria, and we’d been listening for months about what a dangerous country it was and how we should be careful. When we crossed the border, people gave us bean stew that their wives had made for them to eat on their night shift. They took photographs with the car, laughed and followed us on Instagram and sent us their photographs. All these events take place with very little conversation because of language, but we all understand each other, and impressions are easily painted in our memories.

Amar has been living in Australia for 24 years, where he has been promoting the beauty of B&H and his birthplace Goražde with his brother Nezir.

– I love traveling around B&H and sharing the beauties that we have with friends, not just from Australia, but from all over the world. Even people who live in B&H contact us on Instagram to tell us that they didn’t know of some of the locations that we’d visited. All those things make me very happy.


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