Christmas Paradise in Croatia

One of the most common things to see around the Salaj’s house and in their grounds is a gathering of happy people sharing the happiest moments of the year.

Anyone who has ever been there will be keen to tell you aboutO duhu Božićne Bajke rado će vam pričati svatko tko je ikada bio. the spirit of Christmas fairy tale.A oni, Salajevi, raduju se bezbrojnim sitnicama koje stvaraju posebne doživljaje i otvore vam srca. And the Salajs themselves are looking forward to the many little things that make for special occasions and that will open your hearts.

When you live at the foot of the Moslavina slopes and you know that you are doing something well, you do not have much choice.Pomiri se s time da ti svatko zavidi na spokoju i sreći.You have to come to terms with the fact that everyone envies your serenity and happiness, the peace and quiet Na miru koji narušavaju samo zvukovi prirode.that is disturbed only by the sounds of nature.

It is right and good that this property becomes the world, but it is even more important for the world to come to the Salajs’ because of what exists only in their garden and in the family itself.

When you find yourselves at the Salajs’, you have only one obligation: to love them.


A fairy tale that the stars are watching

Just oneSamo jedan pogled je dovoljan da se u djetinjsvo urežu lijepa sjećanja i isto toliko je potrebno da se nakon puno godina ta ista sjećanja vrate. look is enough to etch itself in childhood memory and one second for these memories to return later in life.

This glittering event can be easily found using a web browser.Ali samo ako svratiš pronaći ćeš djete u sebi, a svojem djetetu priuštiti čaroliju bajke.But if you drop by, you’ll find the inner child within you and you can reward your own child with the magic of fairy tales.

Millions of stars scattered everywhere like the shimmering powder of a fairy wand which paints a happy face, while the air is filled with good cheer and laughter, the scent of tea, wine and cakes. Simbioza dragih ljudi koji vraćaju ljubav tamo odakle je i potekla. The symbiosis of kind people who respond with love to where it comes from – Iz prvih koraka u stvaranju Božićne Bajke Obitelji Salaj . from the first steps in creating the Christmas fairy tale of the Salaj family. Ovo je bajka koju i zvijezde gledaju.This is the fairy tale that the stars are also watching.

Seeking thrills

 Vatra, svjetlo i toplina uvijek idu zajedno.Fire, light and heat always go together.Uzbuđenje nastaje kada se sve skupa pretvori u vatromet. Excitement bursts out when they all combine in the form of fireworks.

Ako za vrisak oduševljenja nije dovoljno da svjetucave lampice blistaju najljepšim bojama pobrinu se vatrometi.Svojim žarom i snagom šalju bezbroj zvjezdica u vis koje neznaju kuda da krenu, prema zvjezdama ne nebu ili da se vrate zvjezdicama na zemlji.If the screams of delight are not enough when the lights sparkle in the most beautiful colours, the fireworks do the trick. Their glow and strength send countless stars into the air, not knowing whether to shoot upwards towards the stars in the sky or to return to the stars on the ground. The powerfulMočni huk mlinskog kola na mlinu obitelji Salaj, zaglušujući šum vodopada rijeke Grabovnice, jezera, mostovi, 1200 stabala i grmlja iza kojih se kriju mnoge tajne. sound of the mill-wheel from the Salaj family mill, the deafening noise of the waterfall from the River Grabovnica, the lakes, bridges, 1,200 trees and shrubs behind which many secrets are hidden.Da bi ste doprijeli do njih krenite vijugaviim stazicama. To reach them, follow the winding paths. Možda se snješko, pingvin, medo, labud , zaleđeno jezerce, sjeverni pol ili glavom i bradom djed Božićnjak požele fotografirati s vama. Perhaps a snowman, penguin, bear, swan, frozen lake, the North Pole or  Father Christmas himself  will want to have a photo with you. Let Fotografije koje načinite neka vas podsječaju kako ste se osjećali. the photos  you take remind you of how you felt.Svojim osjećajima sudjelovali ste u stvaranju svakog našeg dana. Your feelings contribute to creating our every day. It is worth discovering something new. Vrijedi otkrivati novo.

The magic of the year
Whichever time of the year you choose to visit us, U koje god doba godine da dođete, nudimo vam kulturne i zabavne događaje prema vašim osobnim željama, jer između naših događaja kao vezivno tkivo čeka vas naš svakodnevni život. we offer cultural events and entertainment according to your taste, since there is a natural link  between our events and our everyday life.

Odlučite li se na šetnju potoci, stazice, otoci, jezera, šume i njegovani travnjaci garantiraju predivne vizure na 60 000 kvadrata raznolikosti.If you decide to take a walk, our streams, paths, islands, lakes, woods and lawns guarantee beautiful views over 60,000 square metres of diversity.


Zalogaj i gutljajEats and drinks


Kod nas se kaže, ako smo dobro jeli to znači da smo pojeli kakav ukusan mesni obrok.We say, ‘If we eat well, it means that we have eaten a delicious dish of meat’. Salajnica sa čvarcima od najfinijeg mesa, pa ukusan zalogaj domaće šunke i hrena, pomno su osmišljeni recepti jedinstvena gastronomske ponude na imanju obitelji Salaj. Salajnica sa čvarcima, made of the finest meat, and then a tasty snack of home produced ham and horseradish are well-tried recipes for a gastronomic treat on the Salaj family estate.

Nakon ukusnog zalogaja uvijek godi i dobar napitak.After a delicious bite to eat, a good drink is always welcome.Svaka čast svim čarobnjacima za vino, ali prazne bi nam bile čaše da da nema Salajevog vina. Congratulations to all wine-making wizards, but our glasses would be empty if it were not for the Salajs’ wine. Kuhano vino, crno i bijelo, nezaobilazni su dio adventske ponude.Mulled wine, both red and white, are an essential part of Advent.Poželite li se ugrijati čajem, posebno pripreman od 7 vrsta čajeva i najzahtjevnije goste oduševljava okusom i mirisom. If you want to warm yourself, choose a hot cup of tea, specially brewed from seven types of tea whose taste and smell would thrill the most demanding of guests.


Obitelj Salaj započela je uređivati svoje dvorište božićnim lampicama prije 13 godine.The Salaj Family began to decorate their garden with Christmas lights 13 years ago. They perform their business activities as a registered cooperative calledDjelatnost obavlja registrirana kao zadruga pod nazivom Božićna Bajka.  Christmas Fairy Tale.U radu zadruge sudjeluje 10 članova zadruge. There are 10 members of the cooperative involved in its work. Godinama , uz veliki trud i entuzijazam , postala je najznačajnija manifestacija kontinentalnog dijela Republike Hrvatske. Over the years, with great effort and enthusiasm, it has become the most important event of the inland part of the Republic of Croatia. Mnoge svjetske medijske kuće prepoznale su ju kao jedinstven događaj te su zabilježene mnogobrojne reportaže i članci što je imalo za učinak da je manifestacija postala od značaja za razvoj turizma i promociju Republike Hrvatske. Many of the world’s media have recognized it as a unique event, and filmed numerous clips and written articles to the effect that the event has become important for the tourism development and promotion of the Republic of Croatia. Institucije države, Ministarstvo turizma, Ministarstvo poduzetništva i obrta, Hrvatska turistička zajednica, Turistička zajednica Bjelovarsko-bilogorske županije te lokalna samopravna zajednica također su prepoznale važnost i ulogu ovog projekta iu skladu sa razvojnim planovima podupiru i podržavaju aktivnost organizacije svake Božićne bajke obitelji Salaj. Government Institutions, the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Business and Trade, the Croatian National Tourist Board, the Tourist Board of Bjelovar-Bilogora County, and local communities  have also recognized the importance and role of the project and,  in line with the development plans,  they support and fund the  organization activities of every Christmas Fairy Tale of the Salaj family.



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